Thomas Fazi -
Rome-based political analyst, co-author of Reclaiming the State: A Progressive
Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World,
2017, and The Battle for Europe: How an Elite
Hijacked a Continent and How We Can Take It Back, 2014.
Prof. Patrick Murphy -
Saturday columnist with
the Irish News; former Director of the Belfast
Institute of Further and Higher Education; author
of We Shall Overcome, an early history of the
Northern civil rights struggle, published by NICRA
in 1978.
Mairin Hurndall -
Freelance broadcaster; frequent
contributor to the Irish language media; producer
of radio documentary Cá Bhfuil an Éire Dhearg?;
of East Belfast trade union background.
Micheál MacDonncha -
Sinn Fein Dublin City
Councillor since 2014; Dublin Lord Mayor 2017-
2018; author of centenary history of Sinn Fein, A
Century of Struggle.
Mick O’Reilly -
former Irish Secretary of the
ATGWU, now UNITE; author of From Lucifer to
Lazarus, a Life on the Left; committee member of
the Greaves Weekend School.
Éamon Ó Cuiv -
TD for Galway West since 1992;
former Deputy Leader of Fianna Fáil and Government Minister.
Philip O’Connor -
political analyst and historian;
regular contributor to the Irish Political Review;
authority on Germany.