Sovereignty and the 1916 commemorations: revolution or conservatism?
Finbar Cullen - former Director, The Ireland Institute;founding member of After the Rising, Beyond 2016, a new project for democracy, sovereignty and independence.
The challenge of the centenary to historians
Ruan O’Donnell - historian,University of Limerick; joint editor of the 16 Lives series on the 1916 leaders and author of the biography of Patrick Pearse in the series.
Why Brexit should be accompanied by Irexit
Anthony Coughlan - The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre.
The Peace Process and reuniting Ireland
Owen Bennett - writer and political analyst, Greaves School Committee.
Professor Priscilla Metscher - University of Oldenburg, author of Republicanism and Socialism in Ireland: from Wolfe Tone to James Connolly.
Dr Jeffrey Leddin - author of thesis on the Irish Citizen Army.
The Labour movement and the struggle for equality
Therese Moriarty - author of many studies of Irish trade unionism in the early 20th century.
The women’s movement
Mary Cullen - historian, author of Telling It Our Way: Essays in Gender History.
Taking back control?: Irish and European Democracy in the context of the EU crisis
Andy Storey - Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations,UCD; board member of Afri.
The ownership of Ireland: what does this mean and how do we get there?
Gareth Murphy - Trade Union Left Forum; writer on debt, the economy, the EU and the struggle for socialism today.
Ireland in the world today
Karen Devine - Lecturer in International Relations, DCU.